조각난 기억들 (양-음각 드로잉)
<Gray dream, Paper Ink>
<Fragments of the unconscious (Blue Series), Paper Ink>
<The Shape of Libido , Journal Book Ink>
<기억의 밑바탕 (Drw 2ser), Paper Ink>
<Portrait of Mona Lisa (EHOOQ), Paper Ink>
<Movie 151 (black series), Paper Ink>
<Fragments of the unconscious (Black Series), Paper Ink>
<Wonderland, iPAD Oil Painting>
<Puzzle of Memory - Picnic, Kraft Paper Ink>
<Puzzle of Memory - C.B, Kraft Paper Ink>
<UK (black series), Paper Ink>
<탈출구는 없다, Paper Ink>
<환영의 그림자, 종이 잉크>
<비명곡, 종이 잉크>
<귀신들린 음악, 종이 잉크>
<환영의 합창, 종이 잉크>
<환영의 더미, 종이 잉크>
<Crown, Paper Ink>